Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Christ of Nature

The Christ of Nature
He loved cherry sunsets growing heavy on the branches of the evening;
He loved bud coloured dawns opening from the east’s earth.
He loved the sea, green in its happiness, seeking the shore;
He loved to see it languishing back stonily from its crest to its groove.
He loved the character of birds, the flock that trusted in His Father;
He loved lambs, the most skilfully fashioned: the lambs,
the most innocent in their nature.
He loved the beasts of the borders: the ones that dwelt in the wild;
He loved their sure dependence on that which the wilderness provided.
He loved wheat shivering as it became golden and heavy headed with nourishment;
He loved the fortressed mountain country, the desolation where peace grew.
He loved the earth, loved it as a lover, because it is God’s earth;
He loved it, because it was created by His Father from nothingness to be Life’s temple.
- Donald Evans, Cread Crist, Cyhoeddiadau Barddus, 1986
(trans. Cynthia and Saunders Davies)

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