The English 'super-tramp' poet, W. H. Davies wrote:
'What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.'
item: Feoffment - ref. HD 1538/230/5 - date: 25Sept 1323_ [from Scope andNicholas Barber, born about 1524, lived at Chippenhall. He was the son of James and Alice and he married Agnes (last name unknown) who was born abouut 1522, also at Fressingfield. Nicholas died in 1598 (buried 28 June, 1598, Fressingfield) and left a Will which is full of interesting facts and tidbits - and that speaks of a life totally foreign, different and 'other' than my own. These too (I trust) died in faith in the saving merits of the Christ who is, also, my Saviour and Lord.
Content] For a certain sum of money, (1) to (2),piece of pasture in Fresingfeld
between free pasture of Fresingfeld churchon S.and land of Prior and convent of
Eye on N., 1 head abutting E. onpasture ofRoger Dreye, other head abutting W. on
free pasture of saidchurch and (1)'smessuage; to hold of chief lords of fee for
accustomedservices. Warrantyclause. Witnesses: Alexander de Chebenhale,
RichardEdward, John le Barbour,Henry le Sumptr', Alan Scherpe and others. Given
atFresingfeld, Sunday afterfeast of St Matthew, 17 Edw.II.item: Feoffment- ref.
HD 1538/230/26 - date:13 Dec 1431_ [from Scope and Content] (1) to(2), piece of
land (3a.) lying inFresyngfeld between Wynnesgrene on S. andclose of J.B. on N.,
abutting E. ontenement of J.B. and W. on tenementcalled Wynnes; which (1) lately
had byfeoffment of John Haneworth of Pulham[Nf.]; to hold of chief lord of fee
foraccustomed services. Warrantyclause. Witnesses: Thomas Breuse, esq.,
WilliamDalengeo, Henry Palmere,Richard Scheep, John Barbour and others. Given
atFresyngfeld, Thursday thefeast of St Lucy, 10 Hen. VI.item: Feoffment -ref. HD
1538/230/35 -date: 2 Sept 1458_ [from Scope and Content] (1) to (2),all lands
andtenements which he lately had together with John Bowen and JohnDate
aliasRussheye both now deceased, as well by gift and feoffment of RobertGode
ofWylbey [Wilby] as by that of John Bale, son of John Bale of
FresyngfeldandThomas Keenge of Wytyngham [Whittingham in Fressingfield], as well as ofJohn Barbour, son of Roger Barbour of Fresyngfeld, William Cook of
Lynstedemagna [Linstead Magna] and Richard Schep of Fresyngfeld, and also of
RichardSchep, Robert Banyard of Fresyngfeld, John Sherwynd, clerk, John Swan,
clerkandHenry Bateman of Mendham, husbandman, in Fresyngfeld, Mendham,
Weybrede[Weybread] and Wetheresdale [Withersdale], by 6 separate charters dated atFresyngfeld on feast of St Maurus 6 Hen. VI, Sunday before Nativity of
StJohnthe Baptist 7 Hen. VI, feast of St Lucy 10 Hen. VI, at Mendham onThursday
afterTranslation of St Thomas the Martyr, 12 Hen. VI, atFresyngfeld on Sunday
afterSt Barnabas, 15 Hen. VI, and at Mendham on 5Mar. 17 Hen. VI; to hold of
chieflords of fees for accustomed services.Warranty clause. Witnesses: John
Calwere,Robert Godbald, Thomas Godbald,Richard Bohun, John Barbour, John
Wolnawe,Robert Skynnere, Thomas Date,John Sandecroft and others. Given at
Fressyngfeld,2 Sept. 37 Hen.VI.