Monday, February 05, 2007

In Christ All Things Hold Together

George MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community, wrote many wonderful prayers. This is one:

Invisible we see you,
Christ beneath us.

With earthly eyes
we see beneath us
stones and dust
and dross,

fit subjects
for the analyst's table.

with the eye of faith
we know you uphold.

In you
all things consist
and hold together:

the very atom is high energy,
the grass is vibrant,
the rocks pulsate.

All is in flux;
turn but a stone
an angel moves.

- George F. MacLeod, The Whole Earth Shall Cry Glory

1 comment:

usha jesudasan said...

dear laurie,
I chanced to visit your blog and read every one of the prayers and musings. They spoke deeply to me and I just loved the hour I have spent reading your thoughts. I love the peace you have brought my soul today. Thank you.

I am a woman writer from India, also a christian, but i haven't got round to having a website or blog! I should. You can do a google search on me to see what I write.
Just wanted to say hello and a deep thank you from this side of the world - from my soul to yours, Yes, In Christ, all things do hold together.
love, usha jesudasan

