Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back on PhaseBook

Thank you for reactivating my account.

I still confess that I'm at a lost to comprehend how this has happened. There is no gauge indicator anywhere of how much is too much in terms of how I am browsing PhaseBook. I mean, is once an hour check too much - once a day? Are you penalized for being on too long, when it's open and you're doing other things with your computer, online? Am I breaking something in one of your machines by doing something more, somehow?

I don't get it. I'm also afraid now to enter the site for fear I'll trip or trigger, inadvertently, some trap door that will exit me out, once more.

I would have thought that the more activity you engender the better it is for everyone - including PhaseBook (purpose and business, etc.). If I subscribe to a server site (that hosts my personal site, URL, etc.), there is given clear indication of band-with and how much material I'm able to upload - and I assume I can look at the site for unlimited hours or make countless 'hits' to it. In fact aren't more 'hits' the point?!

On such services I'm told how much capacity I have and when or if I'm reaching the limit - and if I'm at or over the limit I'm encouraged to 'up' my capacity by buying more access and space. Is it because PhaseBook is 'free' that you have a limit, monitor it, but don't tell anyone what it is? Rather, you just shut them down with inadequate (in my view) explanation as to why.

I see there's a whole site (at least one) of disgruntled, confused people whose account you've also bumped, just as you did mine - which is perfectly your legal right as per disclaimers, etc. in signing on. (I don't expect there are too many knowing abusers or pornographers or peeps on that site - only those who are genuinely concerned, frustrated and unfairly marginalized folk.)

But is this a good way - or even ethical or a neighbourly, good-citizen way of conducting business for PhaseBook? Isn't this site about fellowship, relationship and interaction - about your understanding, getting in on and providing for people to be face-to-face in a day when people want community, want so desperately to connect and stay in touch, almost constantly and globally. Are you 'getting it' in some way - but 'missing it' in another major way?

I expect excellence, good service, customer support and fairness, in partnering together to make PhaseBook a success - not just one party riding the wave for your own purposes. Why don't you increase capacity or find some other way of ensuring that unwarranted abuse doesn't occur?

I think you need to seriously work on this or you're going to kill a perfectly wonderful service - that is, you may be 'killing the goose that laid the golden egg.' I'm sure that, as a team, you are seeking constantly to improve this service and conduit - reflecting and working on such things that will enhance and make it better. I know you'll address and work on this concern, to the benefit of all parties.

Again, thanks for reactivating my account and for the courtesy of getting back to me personally.

All the best.

Sincerely, etc.

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