Saturday, January 06, 2007

Too Soon Old

Old things . . . wonderful things, used things . . . wonderfully used up things . . .

Van Gough's painting of old shoes reminds me that too soon my life will draw to its close. The adventure will end, the party will be over. It would be good to know that this wee alotment of time has been well used, even then used up - by full and deep relationships, family, through adventures, in honest observation and full exploration.

There is a time for everything under the sun, allegedly wrote King Solomon, the Hebrew Qoholeth (preacher). A time to die . . . All things eventually pass - the best relationships, adventures, the trip, the job - as we more fully enter into the 'new' God has for us.

Some lives are wonderfully aged by life - worn out by love and care, by tragedy and disappointment. Yet there are some folk, as Tony Compolo puts it - who 'tip-toe through life, so that they may arrive safely at Death's door.' He invites us to savor, to quest, to risk everything - for true Love and for true Life's sake.

To get in on it now is certainly one of the great wonders and mysteries God presents to us. You and I can choose to lay aside smaller things and lesser loyalties to seek that Life - in seeking Him with all our heart. May we do that more, daily.

O! - to live to the full, beginning in the here and now to enter the greater Real of God's Presence and welcome: to experience the unending Life He intends for us - that Jesus called 'Abundant.'

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